RaspyFi - Topic: Mono Output from RaspyFi http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/everything-else/mono-output-from-raspyfi/ Simple:Press Version 5.2.6 jongibbins on Mono Output from RaspyFi http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/everything-else/mono-output-from-raspyfi/#p956 Everything else http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/everything-else/mono-output-from-raspyfi/#p956 Hi there.
Firstly, the obvious: RaspyFi is an awesome piece of kit, so glad to have found it! I started building something similar myself a few months back (https://plus.google.com/110032857018280266770/posts/c9dPevdugCw) but never managed to get it as reliable of as gorgeous as this. :)
I have a small FM transmitter connected to the audio out direct from the Pi, broadcasting on low power throughout the house. My transmitter is only mono so at the moment I only have the left channel connected to the transmitter's input.

Is there any way of downmixing the audio output from RaspiFy down to mono so that I don't miss bits of the audio when listening through the FM broadcast?
I don't mind whether it's via the interface or the command prompt, I'm not averse to getting my hands dirty!

Thanks again to Mikelangeloz for an awesome RaspberryPi image. You beat me to it by a long shot! :)


Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:56:18 +0200