RaspyFi - Topic: RaspyFi NFS http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/raspyfi-nfs/ Simple:Press Version 5.2.6 fnc1 on RaspyFi NFS http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/raspyfi-nfs/#p1043 RaspyFi install and troubleshooting http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/raspyfi-nfs/#p1043 Dave, You can do this from the command line
just ssh to your pi
login with pi/raspberry
and mount your NFS share with the following command:

pi@Raspyfi:~$ sudo mount -o nolock /mnt/NAS/what_ever_you_called_it/

Since i use NFS also and its better for Streaming (at least for other types of media) I am going to make the suggestion in the recommendations sub forum!

Sat, 14 Sep 2013 19:45:44 +0200
DaveInBracknell on RaspyFi NFS http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/raspyfi-nfs/#p1035 RaspyFi install and troubleshooting http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/raspyfi-nfs/#p1035 Hi,

First great project, have it currently running in the background here through my Sony DA5200 ES with your reference dac, ok so not an Dedicated AMP it is still a revelation so thank you :) Next step is a dedicated AMP and speakers but the proof of concept works :) .

My only gripe is the ability to mount NFS I have a central system running on Ubuntu which has my HTPC (Call it my home NAS), it would be great if we could support NFS out of the box, i had to manually edit the fstab and put in the nfs mount and then edit the mpd.conf to see it, I suppose I could put a symbolic link in and put in a pseduo USB drive to the mount point but not tried that yet.

Sounds great, no issues, popping, crackling etc.

Could we add the functionality?


Sat, 14 Sep 2013 12:33:08 +0200