RaspyFi - Topic: Volume control? http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/volume-control/ Simple:Press Version 5.2.6 admin on Volume control? http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/volume-control/#p2 RaspyFi install and troubleshooting http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/volume-control/#p2 Hello Henrik, yeah I know it and in next release you will able to use it directly. You can edit the mpd.conf file and put mixer as hardware instead of none. You can also tune the volume with the command alsamixer, from ssh and selecting your dac as peripheral. Hope this helps, let me know!

Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:00:29 +0100
Henrik Jordahn on Volume control? http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/volume-control/#p1 RaspyFi install and troubleshooting http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/raspyfi-install-and-troubleshooting/volume-control/#p1 One little detail, I might have overlooked something, haven't yet read everything there is about Voyage-mpd, but the clients I have tried so far all have a volume control, but nothing happens when using it.

Tue, 08 Jan 2013 12:41:03 +0100