RaspyFi - Topic: USB Redux Discussion http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/tweaks-and-optimizations/usb-redux-discussion/ Simple:Press Version 5.2.6 michelangelo on USB Redux Discussion http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/tweaks-and-optimizations/usb-redux-discussion/#p137 Tweaks and optimizations http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/tweaks-and-optimizations/usb-redux-discussion/#p137 Hi Chaytorial,
thank you for reporting this... I was so excited, so I tried updating Raspberry's Firmware. Unfortunately the usb issues for audio playback are still present, so the problem is not resolved... Very disappointing...

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 21:48:02 +0200
Chaytorial on USB Redux Discussion http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/tweaks-and-optimizations/usb-redux-discussion/#p119 Tweaks and optimizations http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/tweaks-and-optimizations/usb-redux-discussion/#p119 Afternoon,

Over the last couple of weeks there seem to have been some USB performance improvements, particularly for people using webcams:


I currently have my raspi connected via ethernet to my home network and via USB to a Micromedia MyDAC. My music is called from a NAS drive (USB drive plugged into router). During playback i do experience some minor clicking. This is usually dependent on network activity and track bitrate as far as I can tell.

Could the improvements reported on this thread also improve my set up? What would I need to do? Or is it something that would need to be implemented in a new raspi build?

I understand the general issue involves a shared ethernet and usb bus, however, with no background in linux, programming or electronics I'm not really able to follow the discussion.


Thu, 04 Apr 2013 13:18:13 +0200