RaspyFi - Topic: Tone controls / Equalizer http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/ Simple:Press Version 5.2.6 piuser on Tone controls / Equalizer http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/#p16129 Wish List http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/#p16129 one year after, I'm facing the ame kind of issues.

di you try to tweak you mpd.conf file ?
something like this :


audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "My ALSA EQ"
auto_resample "no"
use_mmap "yes"
device "plug:plugequal"
format "44100:16:2" # optional
mixer_device "default" # optional
mixer_control "PCM" # optional
mixer_index "0" # optional

Sun, 07 Sep 2014 17:07:40 +0200
MagnusT on Tone controls / Equalizer http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/#p1224 Wish List http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/#p1224 This is the content of .asoundrc that makes speaker-test without any arguments play sound through my USB DAC (and the eq works!!! :-) ) With this content in .asoundrc the raspyfi webpage also actually loads and I can play music by clicking onthe webpage. But the equalizer only works with speaker-test from the command prompt. The mpd playback doesn't go through the eq.

ctl.equal {
type equal;
pcm.plugequal {
slave.pcm "plughw:1,0";
pcm.!default {
type plug;
slave.pcm plugequal;

Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:21:52 +0200
MagnusT on Tone controls / Equalizer http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/#p1222 Wish List http://www.raspyfi.com/forum/wish-list/tone-controls-equalizer/#p1222 I have a good USB DAC and decent headphones but they do need a tweak or two when it comes to frequence response. So I'm in desperate need of a software equalizer in RaspyFi. There is one for ALSA which I'm trying to install:


So I follow the instructions but when all is installed the RaspyFi webpage refuses to load, it seems something isn't starting up properly.

What I've done is the following as root in the directory /root

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install build-essential caps libasound2-dev libasound2-plugins
$ wget http://www.thedigitalmachine.n......6.tar.bz2
$ tar -xjvvf alsaequal-0.6.tar.bz2
$ cd alsaequal
$ make clean
$ make
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/alsa-lib /usr/lib/
$ make install
$ make clean

Create file by:
$ nano /root/.asoundrc

and paste this into file and then ctrl-X to save
ctl.equal {
type equal;

pcm.plugequal {
type equal;
# Modify the line below if you don't
# want to use sound card 0.
slave.pcm "plughw:1,0";
# or if you want to use with multiple applications output to dmix
# slave.pcm "plug:dmix"

pcm.equal {
# Or if you want the equalizer to be your
# default soundcard uncomment the following
# line and comment the above line.
# pcm.!default {
type plug;
slave.pcm plugequal;

Finish off with:

$ alsa force-reload
$ alsamixer -D equal

As long as I choose the correct hw in the .asoundrc so the USB DAC is the primary output I can get sound out of it with the command "speaker-test". But... I'm not sure if there is something that needs to be corrected in the .asoundrc to get mpd and the web page working? I've tried a bunch of different variants but never got the webpage and mpd stuff to get started.

It might be something in relation to this text in the setup instructions?
"You will also probably need to pump the data through a plug to change the format to float, which is all alsaequal supports."

I would LOVE to get this addon one up and running so any help is deeply appreciated!!

Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:40:56 +0200